Psychology Science

Subconscious Processes 27,500 Times More Data than the Conscious Mind

The brain takes in 11 million bits of data per second but the conscious mind can only process around 400 of those bits.


Are You Reading this of Your Own Free Will?

Patterns of brain ac­ti­vity pre­dict peo­ple’s de­ci­sions up to 10 sec­onds be­fore the peo­ple are aware of them, ac­cord­ing to new re­search that casts fresh doubt on whether we have free will. The ancient debate over free will cen­ters on whether it’s an il­lu­sion to be­lieve our thoughts and de­ci­sions are in­de­pend­ent, since our brains really con­sist of atoms bouncing around ac­cord­ing to their own […]