
Bottled Water Costs 40x More: Why Don’t Poor Areas Have Water Plants?

Many poor communities spend up to $740 per person annually on bottled water. A water sanitation plant could slash this to just $18. So why don’t they build one?

Economics Federal Reserve Financial Sector

How The Federal Reserve Steals from the Poor and Gives to the Rich

Federal Reserve policies are effectively stealing $54k from the typical family every year.


How to Protect Yourself Against the Invisible Inflation Burglar

Two Types of Inflation People typically just use the word inflation by itself, but there are actually 2 main types and it’s essential to be specific. The 2 types are: The money supply (monetary inflation) has exploded recently but prices (price inflation) have been relatively stable. Inflation is a Hidden Flat Tax on Everyone Throughout […]

Economics Federal Reserve

Top 1% Received all of the $4 Trillion Printed in 2020

The $4 trillion created by the Federal Reserve as part of the 2020 stimulus program appears to have gone entirely to the top 1% wealthiest people in the world.

Economics Healthcare

How much does it cost to develop a drug?

The average cost of getting a new drug to market is $1.3 billion.

Economics Federal Reserve Government Spending

When the government prints new money, who gets it?

The primary recipients of newly created money are currently banks and corporations who are able to borrow from the Fed almost 0% interest and loan this to the public at much higher interest rates.

Economics Utilitarianism

A World Run By Economists

If only economists could run for office, the the compound interest on more efficient resource allocation, would have produced a utopia with flying cars by now.


How to Identify the Bottom of a Stock Market Correction

This chart shows when the cost of the average stock (the S&P 500) exceeds its underlying value (corporate profits after taxes).


Long-Term Trends in Human Well-Being

For millennia, everything sucked. Then something magical happened!


US Stock Market Grew 3 Times Faster Under Obama Than Trump

U.S. stocks gained 21% for the first two years of the Trump administration. versus 71.2% in the first two years of the Obama administration.