Prioritize Your To-Do List By Converting Costs and Benefits To Present Value There is an infinite number of ways you can spend your most valuable resource, time. How can you decide what the most cost-effective way to spend your time is? By converting the returns of each activity to its present value and picking the activity […]
Research has also found that autistic children often experience chronic gastrointestinal problems a lot more frequently than children without autism. This has led scientists to explore whether microbiota transfer therapy (MTT) — can help solve gastrointestinal issues and affect other autism markers. MTT involves collecting, processing, and freezing the fecal material of healthy people, and […]
The US spends over $60 billion on weight loss products, yet it would only cost $30 billion to end world hunger.
You have a 1 in 96 chance of dying of an opioid overdose. You have a 1 in 7 chance of dying of cancer. It’s extremely easy to avoid dying from an overdose. Just don’t use opioids. So why is the opioid “epidemic” given so much more attention by politicians and the media?
Less REM Sleep Linked to Dementia
The people who developed dementia spent an average of 17 percent of their sleep time in REM sleep, compared with 20 percent for those who did not develop dementia. The researchers found that for every 1-percent reduction in REM sleep, there was a 9-percent increase in the risk of dementia. Do you know how to […]
The US accounts for about 37 percent of total global military spending, but only represents 4.4 percent of the world’s population. World military spending totaled more than $1.6 trillion in 2015. The U.S. accounted for 37% of total global military spending.
The entire US Federal Budget alone is $4.4 trillion and the US population is 328,316,410. Dividing the US budget by the US population produces $13,401 in federal spending per American. $1.87 trillion in state spending produces $5,695 per person in state government spending. $1.99 trillion in local spending produces $6,061 per person in local government spending. Total […]
The average American pays $10,489 in “personal taxes,” representing 14% of the average household’s total income. This $10,489 includes: federal income taxes state income taxes personal property taxes vehicle taxes other small taxes However, the entire US Federal Budget alone is $4.4 trillion and the US population is 328,316,410.
The cause of the US financial crisis is simple. It’s debt. This is a very simple and graphical evidence-based explanation of what caused the collapse.
The US spends more than $500 million per victim on anti-terrorism efforts. However, cancer research spending is only $10,000 per victim. Evolutionary psychology may offer an explanation for this irrational threat amplification.