Federal Reserve policies are effectively stealing $54k from the typical family every year.

Federal Reserve policies are effectively stealing $54k from the typical family every year.
Much of the massive amount of new money the Fed is printing is going into Zombie Companies. How Zombie Companies Survive Zombie Companies are firms that don’t survive by producing value for their customers. Instead, they survive by parasitically draining resources from the overall economy by borrowing at near 0% interest from the Federal Reserve. […]
Two Types of Inflation People typically just use the word inflation by itself, but there are actually 2 main types and it’s essential to be specific. The 2 types are: The money supply (monetary inflation) has exploded recently but prices (price inflation) have been relatively stable. Inflation is a Hidden Flat Tax on Everyone Throughout […]
The richest 4 US counties per capita are all located in Virginia and Maryland thanks to the massive wealth funnel that is the Military-Industrial Complex.
The $4 trillion created by the Federal Reserve as part of the 2020 stimulus program appears to have gone entirely to the top 1% wealthiest people in the world.
The brain takes in 11 million bits of data per second but the conscious mind can only process around 400 of those bits.
Around 20% opposed the US Revolution for democracy, about 40% supported it, and about 40% didn’t give a damn.
A country that switches from non-democracy to democracy achieves about 20% higher GDP per capita over the next 30 years.
A 2008 and 2016 poll of voters showed wishful thinking bias led a majority of people to believe their favored candidate was going to win.
The average cost of getting a new drug to market is $1.3 billion.